
Migration SEO

Website Migration SEO

Website migration is always tricky.

While redesigns, domain changes, and other digital makeovers can significantly enhance the user experience and eventually give traffic a much-needed boost, one wrong move can destroy your SEO – along with your rankings and your revenue – overnight.

With so much to lose, your business can’t afford to take any chances.  But without a comprehensive plan for Website Migration SEO, even the most technologically adept re-platforming project can quickly turn disastrous.

We’ve already helped hundreds of companies navigate website migrations with ease, and consistently deliver the maximum return on their investment. If your business is preparing to move on to something better, our development and SEO pros have the APEX to get you through the migration process without sacrificing your search engine authority or risking your rankings on Google and Bing.

Website Migration and SEO: What’s the Connection?

Whether you’re redesigning your site, switching to another CMS, changing domains or subdomains, converting from HTTP to HTTPS, or revamping your site architecture, you’ve got a lot to think about in terms of SEO.

There’s content to move and a new sitemap to build. You’ll also need to update and redirect all of your URLs, not to mention your internal links, backlinks, and tags. And of course, you’ll need to let Google and Bing know that your site will be moving.

We won’t lie, just about any migration project will cause a temporary drop in traffic while the search engines process changes and update their indexes accordingly. But if you want to minimize the disruption and avoid a potential catastrophe, you’ve got to start planning for SEO well before your project gets underway.  It’s not something you can tack on at the end, and it shouldn’t become overshadowed by the design or technical aspects of migration.

By taking the time to draw up a detailed roadmap for Website Migration SEO, you greatly increase the odds that Google and Bing will eventually treat your new website the way they did the original – and possibly even better.

From Benchmarking to Monitoring: A Partnership for Post-Migration Success.

If you’ve reached the point where a website migration is non-negotiable, consider that a sign of progress. Because your business is thriving, you’ve outgrown your current platform. 

Nevertheless, any significant site migration comes with a big side of anxiety. You’ve spent years cultivating authority with Google and Bing, and any major change could have unintended consequences that will disrupt your traffic and negatively impact your bottom line.

So how do we help?

We’ll start by honing in on a clear set of objectives for your migration project. Once we understand your goals, our SEO and development specialists will embark on a thorough analysis of your website and its pre-migration performance, establishing a benchmark that will allow us to monitor and identify any post-migration changes.

With the preliminaries out of the way, we can begin developing a comprehensive plan for Website Migration SEO that aims to minimize disruptions and maximize opportunities throughout the entire project. After your roadmap is in place, the hard work – from URL redirects and sitemap building to keyword mapping and search console configuration – can begin.

Our partnership won’t end with the completion of your newly migrated website. Once it goes live, we’ll be on hand to monitor performance, identify any areas that need additional work, and implement the required changes.

An Entrepreneur’s Perspective on SEO-Focused Website Migration

Before joining forces at APEX, we were all entrepreneurs who had each started and sold several companies. Because we’ve experienced web development from your perspective, we’ve seen first-hand how quickly a poorly planned and executed migration project can permanently damage a business. We have no patience for a sloppy, one-size-fits-all approach that could cost you years of organic equity and render you online assets all but useless.

When you team up with us, you’re leveraging the power of multiple brains with decades of combined experience navigating the digital landscape. After years of experimentation, we’ve developed a structured and results-based approach to Website Migration SEO that ensures a smooth transition while mitigating as many risks as possible. We’re confident you’ll be amazed by our results!

If you’re ready to put our knowledge and skill to work, we’d love to talk and learn more about how we can help you grow your business.


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